
Transmille Procal Automation Software

ProCal can be used either manually with results entered using the keyboard and/or connected via the RS232 / GPIB bus to directly control many types of calibrators and measuring instruments.

ProCal can automate your test equipment and increase productivity while reducing errors.

Transmille’s ProCal Software suite is a flexible solution that scales from single users to multi site calibration laboratories, all while remaining easy to use.
Powered by an Enterprise grade Microsoft SQL database, ProCal Version 6 offers lightning fast access to data.

The ProCal Calibration suite provides all of the tools you need to perform automated calibrations and organise work-flow throughout your laboratory from quotations through to recalibration reminders.

The ProCal Calibration suite was designed with compliance to ISO 9000 and ISO 17025 in mind, with integrated dynamic uncertainty calculations enabling automated uncertainties to be calculated at run time depending upon the reference instrument used.

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Transmille Procal Automation Software


High-Performance Design

Transmille’s ProCal software provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution for automating calibration, from a single workstation to a multi-discipline network.

ProCal comes pre-loaded with drivers for many common instruments, including all of Transmille’s equipment, Fluke multiproduct calibrators and multimeters, Agilent multimeters, and even older Datron equipment.

An industry-first approach, ProCal simplifies the task of calibration by providing a graphical interface with clear indication of test status using a ‘traffic light’ system, where Green indicates pass, Red indicates a fail, and orange indicates a probable fail or probable pass condition.

For ease of use, ProCal comes installed with automated connection prompts, which are displayed in procedures to show common connections. These can be customized by the end user to show exact test setups using the equipment that you have, to minimize training requirements when new employees join your laboratory.

Flexible Reference Support

The unique way that ProCal communicates with reference instruments allows multiple reference standards to be used with the same procedure, removing
the requirement to have multiple versions of the same procedure depending upon the equipment available. As you update and replace your laboratory
equipment the procedures dynamically update.

ProCal supports all Transmille equipment as well as popular instruments from other manufacturers such as the Fluke 5520A and Keysight 3458A without the
need to write instrument commands test by test.

ProCal also supports sending commands to additional references or UUT’s via RS232, USB and GPIB on a per test basis for flexibility.

  • Assists with compliance to Quality Standards such as ISO 9000 and ISO 17025
  • Create and edit test procedures quickly and easily with a powerful Procedure Wizard
  • Multi discipline support for Electrical, Dimensional, Temperature and more
  • Track Customer and Internal asset calibration history with ProCal-Track
  • Generate automated recalibration reminders via E-mail and Letter
  • Powerful reporting tools utilising Crystal Reports
  • Viewable Dynamic Uncertainty calculation to M3003 with customisable templates
  • Generate quotations and invoices using ProSales
  • Enterprise grade database engine
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